It’s Only Hair


That’s what they say to you when you lose your hair as a side effect of radiation or chemotherapy.  It’s only hair, it will grow back.  Is it?  For me, this is the third time in 5 years I have had to have my head shaved.  The last time was a year ago.  While I no longer shed tears, it is an emotional step in your journey through life with cancer.  Most times it cannot be avoided, and you can choose to show off that gorgeous dome and try a look that most ever get to try; or you can wear hats and scarves for the first time to cover up and feel more covered.  I personally never looked good in any hat until I was bald!

I am tempted to rock the bald look with using strong makeup and cool jewelry choices.  Like possibly a cartilage piercing, or nose piercing?  What do you all think? Is 50 to old to do that? a brow ring? But then, do I want everyone focused on my face and head?  They will see my lack of hair anyway!

Yesterday, when first shaved, the fuzz left on my head was darker so you could see the hair outline.  This morning, I’m much lighter and balder thanks to pillow friction.  Now I am afraid because I don’t know if I have the confidence to do this.  I look like a cue ball.  I do have a great shaped head which I guess is a plus, but it’s still a head that’s naked.

Being bald isn’t just a vanity thing for people with cancer.  It’s another piece of you the disease rips from you.  Like it is screaming out “I get another part of your body!” That is what sucks. It’s just one more thing you deal with every second of everyday.  It’s not like you can forget about being bald.  Your head gets cold,hot, wigs itch, hats and scarves can give you headaches, and then you have the scalp care.

You have to take care of your scalp because during treatment, you will also deal with rashes, acne, and peeling.  Be careful of sunburn and windburn by using a strong SPF and having a hat to cover. Find a good gentle shampoo that will deal with your issues and wash at least 2 times a week.  Moisturize the whole head after pat drying to lock in moisture.

Be careful how you react to people who are bald.  Many are sick and could use a smile that says you have seen them, not just their head, but their soul.  It will make such an impact on that persons day.

About Books Giving Hope

I am a mom of 4, breast cancer fighter, writer, book lover, vintage fashion lover, animal lover, music lover, married 22 years. I love to review books and do so on this blog. I also want to help encourage others fighting breast cancer.

One response »

  1. Wonderfully written. You spoke of how I felt when I shaved my head. You should rock whatever look you want! Your beauty will shine through!


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